About Us

Unity Christ Center of Farmington . . .

We believe true spirituality is seeking out your own experience of God.  

Unity is a spiritual movement that welcomes people from many different backgrounds.  It is the publisher of Daily Word, a non-denominational inspiring collection of daily reflections.  Our 24 hour prayer ministry is Silent Unity, located at National Headquarters at Lee’s Summit, MO. but is reachable at any time at (816) 969-2000 or www.Unity.org.

Our Farmington Unity community was begun as a study group in 1975.  In 1984 the group purchased the church and land here at 1101 St. Genevieve, Farmington and it has continued since then. 

At Unity Christ Center our emphasis is on acknowledging God the Good as the Source and Sustainer of all that is; on recognizing God individualized in us as the Christ Spirit; on the power of mind and heart as connecting links to the Divine, and of our individual responsibility as expressions of God to create our reality through our choice of thoughts, words, and actions.  The Bible, metaphysically interpreted, is our textbook.

OUR BOOKSTORE NOOK  is in the corner of our office and has several choices for reading and giving. It is open on Sunday mornings before and after the service.

OUR LENDING LIBRARY is available to everyone on Sunday mornings.  It is located off the foyer.

We bless all of those who participate in prayer. Unity was founded upon the power of prayer and practical Christianity (Christianity in action). We at Unity continue to see the hands of God at work in our lives and in the lives of others because of prayer.

WE THANK those who continue to make our church a place of beauty.  Thank you, Ruth, for your excellent ability on the piano. Thanks to the Board of Trustees who serve with dedication. Thanks to all of you who attend our services and contribute to the joy we share.

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