Meditation Garden

Being central to a spiritual life, meditation and prayer are encouraged at Unity Christ Center. We are creating a new Meditation Garden. All are welcome to stroll the grounds of the Garden behind the church, or to simply sit in silence, enjoying the grace and abundance of God’s creation and the beauty and blessings of Nature.
Spring and summer are the peak seasons in the garden. We hope you were able to see the garden this year in its spring finest. The pictures below will give you a glimpse of the beauty of the garden in its spring glory.

Dewdrops on jonquils

Purple Iris


Redbud in Bloom

Native Dogwood

Domesticated Pink Dogwood

Lambs Ear in Late Spring


Garden Fairy

Stella d’Oro Lilies

Roses beginning to bud and bloom

Red Tulips

Easter Flower Cross
Welcome to our Meditation Garden at any time. Blessings. Unity Christ Center & Rev. Jan Mahannah
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